What I Offer
Whether you are trying to conceive naturally or are using IVF, or any other Assisted Conception methods, Fertility Acupuncture offers a valuable complementary treatment, helping to optimise the cycle and increase blood flow.
As well as addressing the physical aspects of trying to conceive, Acupuncture can offer support with the emotional side of things, helping to calm the mind and lessen the stress that can sometimes accompany this journey.
Medical advances in this field are increasing at an incredible speed and it is easy to forget the magic of conception. I firmly believe that Fertility Acupuncture is a wonderful support , allowing a time for reflection and connection as well as increasing your well-being at this exciting time.
I treat and support couples, single women and same sex couples on this journey and have many years experience in this field. I have worked for the past 12 years at the Emma Cannon Clinic specialising in all aspects of fertility and womens health.
Whether you would like to prepare for the run up to IVF, Acupuncture when in the IVF cycle or Pre and Post embryo transfer treatments I can accomodate you. i offer supplement, and lifestyle advice based on clinical experience.
I really believe that Acupuncture can make a difference.
Many women seek acupuncture during pregnancy. This drug-free treatment offers women an excellent alternative when seeking relief for the various problems that can sometimes occur during pregnancy and childbirth.
Pre-birth acupuncture is recommended weekly from 36 weeks onwards. As long ago as 1974 pre-birth acupuncture was recognized as a useful addition to the usual antenatal care (Kubista & Kucera, 1974). Their research concluded that acupuncture once a week from 37 weeks was successful in reducing the mean labour time of the women treated.
Further research by Betts & Lennox (2004) found that pre-birth acupuncture appeared to provide some promising therapeutic benefits in helping women to achieve normal vaginal births.
Breech presentation: moxibustion is often used to attempt to turn breech babies. Sarah Budd was one of the first midwives to establish an acupuncture clinic in a maternity unit in the UK and reported success with the use of moxibustion for cephalic version in breech presentation (Budd, (2000). There have been promising clinical studies including one in Italy which observed that moxibustion increased foetal activity during the treatment period, and cephalic presentation, aswell as at delivery (Cardini & Weixin, 1998).
Betts D, Lennox S. (2006). Acupuncture for prebirth treatment: An observational study of its use in midwifery practice. Medical acupuncture; 17(3):17- 20
Budd S. (2000) Moxibustion for breech presentation. Complementary therapies in nursing and midwifery 6(4): 176-9.
Cardini, F., and Weixin, H., (1998). Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the Medical Association. 280 (18): 1580-4
Kubista E, Kucera H. (1974). Geburtshilfe Perinatol 178 224-9.
There is a saying in Chinese Medicine that “All diseases come from the Heart”. In my experience there is frequently an emotional element connected with most physical conditions presenting in the clinic.
Chinese medicine is based on a philosophy that sees no differentiation between the mind/emotions and the body, and treats one as a continuation of the other. I have noticed that when treating a physical problem a client more than often feels relaxed and more positive after their session. This is an indirect and very welcome benefit from the treatment and can be used to our advantage.
When a client is reluctant to seek therapies where they have to talk about their situation acupuncture can have a profound effect on their mood without them having to open-up to the before they are ready. It is common to see clients who initially come for backache, headaches etc where the underlying problem is rooted in the psyche.
Acupuncture is a powerful and valuable therapy for many and can help to create the shift necessary to change and move us on.